Ready Hour Powdered Peanut Butter (65 servings)


 At A Glance:

  • Lasts up to 5-years unopened and 1-year once open.
  • Has 3,900 total calories.
  • Product weight is 2 pounds.
  • Total water needed to cook entire #10 can is 0.3 gallons.

Ready Hour Peanut Butter is a perfect addition to your family daily snacks. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.

In stock (can be backordered)

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Who does love Peanut Butter stuck to the roof of their mouth…. Even in a Crisis!

Our bodies need two essential ingredients to help us survive: water and protein. Without both, our bodies are doomed as we will produce a weak immune system coupled with improper growth. Thrivers should not allow this to happen to our bodies. Protein is not produced naturally, so Thrivers have to get it from sources that are trustworthy for all of us.

Peanut butter powder is a great source of protein, vitamin E, and manganese. Peanut Butter is also an excellent source of fiber and energy.  Simply put, peanut butter powder can positively fit into your healthy eating plan and a necessity in your food storage plan. Top it on your favorite bread, toasted or not, add honey or jelly for a creamy, nutty delight.  Treat yourself to a bowl of apples and bananas with a scoop of this crunchy and tasty spread to make a healthy and decadent snack.

Ready Hour provides their powder in their #10 can that is rodent and waterproof. Meant to provide maximal food storage safety for years to come. Ready Hour Peanut Butter Powder lasts up to 5 years unopened, and one year once it is open. Store it in a cool, dry location where temperatures stay between 55 and 75 degrees for optimal longevity.

Contains allergen: Peanut.

Proudly made in the U.S.A. by hardworking Americans!